About the meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
Dear teachers! 06/16/2021 at 11:00 in the auditorium 117a-7 will be held a meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy!
International Friends Day!
This day is dedicated to friends and loved ones who will always support and will not leave you in trouble!
Friendship has always been a great value in a person's life, because finding a truly faithful friend is considered good luck!...
International Children’s Day!
The staff of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy congratulates Yana Yuryevna Tsimbalenko on her appointment as dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Law
On May 25, 2021, a conference of the staff of the Faculty of Sociology and Law was held. By the decision of the CPC, consent was given to the appointment of YANU Yuryevna Tsimbalenko, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Law....
Round table. 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine
Dear teachers, graduate students and students, we invite you to take part in the round table dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine. The event is scheduled for May 19, 2021 from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on the Zoom platform. You can join the Roundtable at Zoom by calling: Conference ID: 871 1489 2286 Access Code: 494073
Topic: Round table dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine. Connect to th
Happy Victory Day
Dear veterans, heroes of the front and children of war! We sincerely congratulate you on the 76th anniversary of the victory over Nazism in World War II! Low bow to you!
Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation
About the meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
Dear lecturers! The meeting of the department will be held on 05.05.2021 at 10.30 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6762396563?pwd=L1EvTmpFZHBSdkRHUjZyRG95SFl4QT09
Identifier: 676 239 65 63; Code 8YF8Z2...
Happy Easter day!
We wish you happiness and sincere joy. Let the chirping of birds, spring flowers, smiles give good hope, let the big holiday remind you of bright feelings and great aspirations.