(Українська) Вітаємо з Днем Української Державності!
About the meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
Dear lecturers! The meeting of the department will be held on 13.07.2022 at 09.00 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6762396563?pwd=L1EvTmpFZHBSdkRHUjZyRG95SFl4QT09 Identifier: 676 239 65 63; Code 8YF8Z2
Happy Constitution Day!
(Українська) День відкритих дверей ФСП 2022
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About the meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
Dear lecturers! The meeting of the department will be held on 15.06.2022 at 09.00 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6762396563?pwd=L1EvTmpFZHBSdkRHUjZyRG95SFl4QT09 Identifier: 676 239 65 63; Code 8YF8Z2
Happy Trinity!
International Day for Protection of Children
We wish all children on earth happiness and peace! Children are our future!
About the meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
Dear lecturers! The meeting of the department will be held on 25.05.2022 at 11.00 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6762396563?pwd=L1EvTmpFZHBSdkRHUjZyRG95SFl4QT09 Identifier: 676 239 65 63; Code 8YF8Z2
About the meeting of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
Dear lecturers! The meeting of the department will be held on 18.05.2022 at 09.00 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6762396563?pwd=L1EvTmpFZHBSdkRHUjZyRG95SFl4QT09 Identifier: 676 239 65 63; Code 8YF8Z2