On March 28, 2023, post-graduate students of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the FSV participated in an international webinar (Ukraine-Poland-Israel). Speaker Dafna Maksimov Sharon is an international expert in working with trauma and post-trauma in children and adolescents. The meeting was devoted to the problem of childhood war trauma and hibuki therapy as a means of maintaining and restoring psychological health....
Dear lecturers! The meeting of the department will be held on 22.03.2023 at 09.00 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6762396563?pwd=L1EvTmpFZHBSdkRHUjZyRG95SFl4QT09 Identifier: 676 239 65 63; Code 8YF8Z2
On March 16, 2023, students - psychologists of groups PP-21 and PP-22 visited the office of the Kyiv Jungian Institute. Students got acquainted with the office of a practical psychologist, methodical support. We received answers to questions about the features of a psychologist's work with clients of various categories. Through their own experience, they got acquainted with group forms of psychological work.
We congratulate you on the holiday of March 8! Let the lilac bloom all around and the sky be clear; And so that the life of women is Happy and beautiful!
Dear lecturers! The meeting of the department will be held on 15.02.2023 at 09.00 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6762396563?pwd=L1EvTmpFZHBSdkRHUjZyRG95SFl4QT09 Identifier: 676 239 65 63; Code 8YF8Z2